News & Events

ACPA Board of Directors Appointments

Grassland Vegetation Inventory Blended Course (W25 Offering)

ABWRET-A (W25) Blended Course

ACPA Seminar Series: Fundamentals of Gas Detection

Recommend a Candidate for the 2025 ASTech Awards

ACPA Member Request: Submit Your Application of Chemistry

Workshop for Preparing a PDC Audit - Hosted by Practice Review Committee ACPA

Engaging Chemistry: Distinguished Lecture Series in Chemistry

The University of Alberta is proud to announce Jeffrey Long as a guest speaker for Engaging Chemistry: Distinguished Lecture Series in Chemistry. There will be two talks, a public and technical lecture. Admission is free. Join Jeffrey to explore how we can pursue a bright hope for tomorrow by learning about how MOFs can capture CO2 from gas streams and even air.

Why Chemistry Matters

Chemists touch every aspect of life. From clean drinking water to managing train derailments, dealing with chemical and biological weapons, clandestine laboratories and prosecution of crimes, chemists play a key role in the protection of public safety.

Professional Governance Act Update

In Alberta, the current legislative framework includes 9 Acts and 28 supporting regulations that govern 22 professional regulatory organizations (PROs). In Spring 2022, the Alberta Government introduced Bill 23, known as the Professional Governance Act (PGA). This Act aims to consolidate, streamline, and standardize multiple pieces of legislation. The government expects the PGA to come into force in 2025.