Regulations and Bylaws
ACPA Bylaws
The ACPA Bylaws dictate how the association runs its affairs, including the rules for the election and operation of its Board of Directors. It also defines the rights and obligations of the members of the ACPA.
Professional Chemists Regulation
The Professional Chemists Regulation provides a legal definition of chemistry and those practicing chemistry in Alberta. The main objectives of the Association, currently and for the future, are to promote and increase the knowledge, skills and proficiency of its members in all things relating to chemistry.
The ACPA is a legal instrument to help protect the public from malpractice in chemistry and to protect the profession from encroachment on its rights and purposes by unqualified personnel. It is endowed with the legal power not only to act to coordinate its aims and purposes but also to act in provincial matters on behalf of those it represents. The Association registers its professional members and grants them the right to use the designation P.Chem. (Professional Chemist) or C.I.T. (Chemist-in-Training) as appropriate to identify their affiliation and professionalism.
The Professional Chemists Regulation falls under the following Act of the Province of Alberta:
Joint Practice Standard for Reclamation and Remediation
The Professional Responsibilities in Completion and Assurance of Reclamation and Remediation Work in Alberta: Joint Practice Standard (JPS; v1.0, September 2007) contains the obligations and requirements for professional sign-off on upstream oil and gas reclamation and remediation work in Alberta. This document was developed through the cooperation of the six professional associations whose members are now exclusively eligible for professional sign-off in these areas: AIA, ASPB, ACPA, APEGA, and AAFMP.
A practice standard presents a level of performance expected of professional members. Although a standard is not specifically legislated under the respective professional regulatory organizations’ acts and regulations, members are expected to conform to it in order to be practising in accordance with what is deemed to be an acceptable standard. Each professional regulatory organization is responsible for investigating any complaints of unskilled or unethical practices by their members. Substantive complaints are referred to the respective discipline committee.
This Standard can be downloaded from the following web page:
Professional Responsibilities in Completion and Assurance of Reclamation and Remediation Work in Alberta
Professional Practice Standard in Wetland Science, Design and Engineering Work
The Professional Responsibilities in Completion and Assurance of Wetland Science, Design and Engineering Work in Alberta: Professional Practice Standard (May 1, 2017) recognizes the interdisciplinary nature of wetland science, design, and engineering in Alberta. It has been jointly developed by Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) and the following ten professional regulatory organizations (referred to as the PRO-10):
- the Association of Alberta Forest Management Professionals (AAFMP)
- the Alberta Association of Landscape Architects (AALA)
- the Alberta Institute of Agrologists (AIA)
- the Alberta Land Surveyors’ Association (ALSA)
- the Alberta Professional Planners Institute (APPI)
- the Alberta Society of Professional Biologists (ASPB)
- the Association of the Chemical Profession of Alberta (ACPA)
- the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA),
- the Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta (ASET)
This standard serves as a foundation for the authentication of regulatory documents according to the requirements of the Alberta Wetland Policy. The PRO-10 has agreed to implement this practice standard for professional practice. However, the standard does not provide specific advice on how its recommendations should be implemented within each profession. Instead it provides professionals within the PRO-10 with a competency guideline for working in wetland science, design, and engineering in Alberta under the Alberta Wetland Policy. Authenticating professionals should use this standard to evaluate their competencies and to help select appropriate contributing professionals to meet all of the requirements of the Alberta Wetland Policy.
This Standard can be downloaded from the following web page: