WISER/UA-WiSE present: Mentorship Program 2020-2021
WISER (Women in Science Engineering and Research) and UA-WiSE (University of Alberta - Women in Science and Engineering) are launching a new virtual mentorship program that will support individuals in various stages of their STEM careers. WISER is pleased to invite the professional Chemists of ACPA to be part of the WISER\ UA-WiSE Mentorship Program 2020-2021.
Participants are matched into trios consisting of one undergraduate student, one graduate student or early-career professional, and one experienced professional. This benefits the graduate student or early-career professional by giving some experience mentoring an undergraduate student under the supervision of an experienced mentor. We are currently looking for mentors from academia, industry, and government across Western Canada.
Feedback from past participants:
⮚ 96% said they would recommend the program
⮚ 84% said they found the program helpful in providing help and guidance
⮚ 80% said they established valuable connections through the program
Program Benefits for Mentors:
● Networking with other mentors at the three online virtual program events: Introduction event (October 15), Networking (January 14) and Panel Discussion (March 14).
● Connecting with the new generation of professionals from the University of Alberta
● Extending your network with early career professionals
● Improving your communication and leadership skills
● Giving back to the STEM community
● Mentorship hours may count towards Professional Developments Credit (PDC) for APEGA & APCA members (Up to 20 PDC), Graduate Student Professional Development Hours*.
* Please confirm with the professional development hour policy with your organization as WiSER does not hold authority for PD credits.
For more information about the WISER\UA-WiSE Mentorship Program, please visit our website: https://wiseredmonton.ca/mentorship-overview/
Mentors are asked to complete our website questionnaire before August 21, 2020 to join WISER/UA-WiSE mentorship program. Complete the questionnaire here: https://ua-wise-wiser-mentorship2020-2021.eventbrite.ca